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(1992) The combination of punk, dub/reggae, ska, hip-hop, and plenty of other elements bouncing in and out and through each other noted a groundbreaking approach to making music the D.I.Y. way. More than four years after its initial release, thousands of consumers per week are still discovering this collectors' essential. Only some copies of this album are still available with Sublime's stylistic calling card song 'Get Out' and the desert campfire classic 'Rawhide', as both were removed because of some communist legal crap. |
40oz to Freedom
waiting for my ruca
get out!
40oz. to freedom
smoke two joints
we're only gonna die for our arrogance (early man)
don't push
5446/ball and chain
let's go get stoned
new thrash
scarlet begonias
live at e's
d.j.'s (40oz.)
chica mi tipo
right back
what happened
new song
date rape
rivers of babylon