Gold Nectar Ale (more like Red Nectar Ale)

July 25, 1999

This is a fair attempt at one of my favorite beers.  Gold Nectar Ale is the perfect summer beer.  I used the hops according to the Humboldt Brewery website.  The grain I used my best judgment according to the specifics from the website.  Then I and added some chocolate malt just for fun.  ???  Brewing. Strange hobby eh?



Brewed July 25, 1999

July 26, 1999

Fermentation begins slowly.

August 4

The beer is near ready to be kegged.  It smells like Red Nectar Ale, more than Gold Nectar.  But truthfully, I prefer Red Nectar anyway, so what a nice surprise.  I will definitely brew this one again.  It's simple and inexpensive.

August 18, 1999

It's been about a month since we brewed this one.  Last night I carbonated it, and today I took a little taster at lunch..  This beer is fantastic.  If it had a sweeter, honey smell -- it would be red nectar ale.  I could try mashing the grain at a higher temperature to extract unfermentable sugars.  that might work.

Tonight I'm having a homebrew party.  Probably have my buddies chris the nutty ass, and my brothers over to guinea-pig 'em.  heh heh.


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